Social media is a tool we all use in our daily lives nowadays. Almost everyone with access to the internet has some sort of a social media account. Facebook has around 1.11 billion users today. It is something you can use to socialize, share, collaborate, learn, teach and do many other things.
Among many things social media can be used for, I am going to focus more on the educational side.
Education in Social Media

Dr. Rankin, professor of History at UT Dallas, wanted to know how to reach more students and involve more people in class discussions both in and out of the classroom. She had heard of Twitter but never used it. Then she decided to use it in classroom and a graduate student documented this experiment. See the video for more details.
Teachers can use Twitter hashtags and Facebook groups for educational purposes. They can use them to open discussions, upload documents, give assignments, make announcements. Mobile apps of the major social media networks can also be helpful.
There are also some social networks specifically designed for educational purposes. There may be many examples but I am going to tell you about Schoology and Edmodo.

Edmodo is a social media network designed for educational purposes. Teachers can give assignments and homeworks, collect them, grade them, track the learning process of the students easily. It has many features to be used specifically for education. Here's a promotional video on Edmodo.
We can use this tools in classroom effectively but twitter usage is not a good idea because children just not interest with their homework they also look other tweets from their friends so that it leads to distractibility